Archive for October, 2010

Didja know there is such a thing as the University Place Historical Society and they meet on the second Wednesday of the month in the Library at 7:00 p.m. If you have any interest in the history of our unique little city, you ought to stop in. Cindy Bonaro is the current president and she can be reached 565-9447.
What DO you know about U.P. history? Try this one out for size (We’ll answer it in the next edition of the blog)  WHO WAS THE FIRST FIRE CHIEF WITH THE UNIVERSITY PLACE FIRE DEPARTMENT?  He may also have been in the position the longest, I think. He took the job in 1941 and was the chief for about two decades.  So, who was he?  And did anyone know him or even meet him?  (I remember him well but I’ll explain in the next blog.)  Now, who has the answer?

What the big news about February 12, 2011 in University Place?  Don’t know?  Read on…

For every dollar of property tax collected in University Place:

44 cents goes to SCHOOLS

21 cents goes to Fire and Emergency Medical Services

15 cents goes to the State of Washington

8 cents goes to Pierce County

8 cents goes to the City of University Place

3 cents goes to the Library and finally,

1 cents goes to the Port of Tacoma.

So, the city of U.P. actually only gets 8 cents out of every dollar paid in property tax, here.  Surprised?

All across our nation cities are making cuts.  Staffing, programs, you name it. They’re getting cut due to economic pressures to include lack of funding, of course.  For example, our police operations are down to only two officers per shift.  (What can you do with that?)  According to our new Police Chief Rusty Wilder, this level significantly limits the ability of officers to do follow up work on cases along with any proactive police work. 

Try these numbers on for size.  “In 2009, there were 17,726 calls for service with 22 patrol deputies which breaks down to 806 calls per officer per year.  Then in 2010 there were 13,031 calls for service (so far) with 15 deputies which breaks down into 869 calls each. The 2010 projected total calls for service to University Place is 18, 929 which breaks down into 1,329 calls for each of the 15 officers.

Didja know that you have a mayor who WANTS to hear from you?  If you want to write a quick compliment about something you notice is going right with the city or you want to chat about a problem or perhaps you have a suggestion…drop our mayor a note and I think you may just be surprised.

So, what’s on your schedule for next weekend? Well, whatever it is, you’ll be an hour early if you don’t remember to FALL BACK Sunday, November 7th?  The end of daylight savings time ushers in the unofficial beginning of the Pacific Northwest – I’m Depressed As Hell and I Ain’t Gonna Take It Any More season of the year.   I call it the Woody Allen season.  The fact is that Woody was diagnosed as clinically depressed long before clinical depression became one of those overused cliché diagnosis but the key here is what he does about it.  He, very successfully uses humor to battle depression. I can’t think of anyone who has used it more effectively than old Woody.  Bottom line from where I sit is simply this. Yes, the Pacific Northwest annually endures a depressing, cloudy, rain-soaked winter and it gets people down. I love bright sun-filled summer days as much as anyone but when it comes to the winter doldrums around here,  I’ve always thought, you have a choice. I chose humor.  I may not look to Woody Allen’s life as a great role model but I energetically adopt his approach to depression.  I laugh about it. I laugh around and through it and eventually I laugh my way out of it. There is so very much humor around us every day, if we simply keep one eye open for it.  My prescription battles my blues very effectively.  Ask anyone who knows me.  “Don’t worry. Be happy.”, as Bobbie McFerrin says.   I whistle a lot.  Ya just don’t whistle when you’re depressed.  Or better put, how can you be depressed when you’re whistling?

February 12th, 2011?  That’s the announced grand opening of the new Library.  You KNOW we’re going to be talking more about THAT as the date approaches.  But didja know you can ADOPT A BOOK?   It’s a way of helping stock the shelves of the new library and dedicating the book to someone in particular.  I think I will see about adopting a couple of books in my grandsons’ names.  Maybe a couple of their favorites.  How do you do it and how do you get in touch with their capital campaign? (Speaking of helping the new library!)  Here you go…

Or you can catch up with them on Facebook at

As a REALTOR and on behalf of homeowners, I am constantly reminding folks that when it comes time to sell, your biggest enemy frequently is DEFERRED MAINTENANCE.  The things we put off that get worse and worse because we DO put them off.  For example, if the gutter is sagging today and we don’t do a thing about it, a year from now we decide to put our home up for sale but first we have to replace that gutter that fell off the house.  Yes, I did say “Replace” ($$$$$) because it’s past the stage where you could have just repaired it ($).  Deferred Maintenance.  Seasonal changes in our environment also drive a recurring need for home maintenance and now is a great time to be doing something about things like uninsulated water pipes.  If you have a hose bib (external faucet) for example. Is the supply line to that hose bib a dedicated pipe? Is it insulated?  Should it be drained and shut off for the season?  Or should you plan on enjoying an indoor ceiling waterfall in my garage like I did a few winter’s back?

If you’ve got trees around the house that are currently doing their annual strip tease, maybe it’s time to take a peak in your gutters to make sure they are not ready to clog up with all of the guck that was once the big green leaves which shaded your home so nicely from the summer sun.

The Climate Prediction Center and the Farmer’s Almanac are both forecasting this fall and early winter to be wetter than usual for our area…aka, lots of rain. 

When weeks like this hit, it’s a great time to watch the basement and even your crawl space for the formation of everything from minor leaks to “Lake Seep-through-walls”.  Speaking of deferred maintenance biting a home seller in the rear region, nothing does it quite like standing water in your crawl space or the mold and smell and damages that come from  a leaky basement.  This is the time of year that those problems most often show themselves.  Watch for them.  And speaking of leaks under the house, does the ground around your home slope downward TO the house or does is slope downward AWAY from your structure.  That can be the biggest reason why you have water under the house.  Our gardens or lawns or whatever is right around our homes for about 10 feet or so, should slope AWAY from our homes.  The reason is obvious.  Take a walk around your home and don’t be surprised if you ARE surprised.

I have tried not to be a hound about bugging you to vote, this year.  Why not, when I normally do?  Because, as I am sure you’ve noticed, the water cooler talk around the elections  this time around seems to be the disgust so many of us are feeling, not about the elections themselves but about the insulting, low-brain, repugnant political attack ads we’re all being bombarded with.  I really don’t know how they could get much worse.  Now, we can think about the political parties and the control they have over so many of those ads when it comes time to place blame or we can watch for the identification of the special interest groups behind so many of the ads and point at them.  We could even blame the TV stations as they rake in the HUGE monetary rewards for cramming so many of them down our throats but we would be way off target, I think, in terms of where the blame actually lies.  Try this on for size.  Every time another political candidate voices “I’m Joe S0-an-so and I approved this ad.” and then it delivers attacks and smears and half-truths, and distortions and a degree of negativism that would even depress Woody, isn’t that a great time to grab your pencil and pad of paper and write down one more name of a candidate you refuse to support?  Before you give that option much thought, Yes, you will find yourself without a horse to back in several races.  For example, the Rossi-Murray race for the senate.  I scratched both of them out weeks ago.  Those are some of the very worst ads out there and they both have stood up and said “I approve this.”   Nope.  Not getting my support.   Politicians who decide that it’s just fine to conduct such attack campaigns are politicians who forgot how to take the high road.  Those are also the politicos who have forgotten how to work with others and get done the maximum they can for their constituents.  ANY, yes, ANY political candidate can refuse to conduct such a campaign.  Just imagine if, Patty Murray, cited simply as an example, had seen the Rossi campaign ads attracting her and instead of exchanging punches with the Republicans, she simply said to her campaign manager, “No” I won’t lower myself to that level.  I won’t sling mud.  I will, instead talk about the good things I’ve done and the good things I’m doing and the good things I want to do.  I will take the high road.   Just imagine how soon the tone of the overall campaign would have shifted to something very different than we have and are experiencing.  Just think of how it could actually be focused on ISSUES instead of mud.  We might actually find out what the candidates stand for!  Ha!  What a refreshing change that would be, don’t ya think?  So, yes, I’m voting this year but there are races and initiatives that I’m not going anywhere near just because of all of the crap they’ve spewed on radio, TV, in print and all around me, all Fall.  I won’t condone it.  Now, my vote and those of people who think like this will be missed by the candidates and issues we would have supported but you know what?  From where I sit, they don’t deserve ’em!

Additionally, you may not be like me and that’s fine.  By that I mean, I go one more step. I drop those candidates a note saying, “I was intending to support you but because of your personal endorsement of the disgusting ad campaign waged against your opponent, you’ve lost me vote and, oh, by the way, my wife’s vote, too!  Next time, if there is one, maybe you’ll consider taking the high road.  If you do, I bet your opponent gets the hint and follows.  Think about it.”

And as for all of you, be well…

PATMADDOCK   Coldwell Banker Bain REALTORS   3560 Bridgeport Way West,  University Place 98466                                                                                                                                  (253)682-1182


So, just who IS this guy?

Pat’s been a top producer with Coldwell Banker Bain REALTORS in University Place and he was the 2007 President of the Tacoma-Pierce County Association of REALTORS as well as a 2009 Vice-President of the Washington REALTORS, the statewide trade association of professional members of the National Association of REALTORS (NAR). He also serves the University Place – Fircrest Division of the Tacoma-Pierce County Chamber of Commerce on it’s Board of Directors and he serves the City of University Place on the Economic Development Commission.   Pat is also a 20-year Air Force veteran. But most importantly, he’s been a     University Place native since 1953.


The U.P.-Fircrest division of the Tacoma-Pierce County Chamber, will be

Betty Ringlee

 hosting a Pierce County Council candidates’ forum for a discussion of business issues on Friday, October 29 at 7:45 a.m. in the University Place Presbyterian Church on 27th Street. In fulfilling their commitment to assist in the election of business-minded public officials, the UP-Fircrest Division is hosting this candidate forum during its regular monthly meeting.


Stan Flemming

Stan Flemming and Betty Ringlee,

two candidates seeking to replace current Pierce County Council Member Terry Lee (District 7 which includes U.P. and Fircrest) who is term-limited, were invited by the UP-Fircrest division. The host will be division president Randy Walden.

To RSVP, visit the Chamber website or contact Susie Wagner at 253.627.2175 by October 27th.

Curtis Vikings…nice job kicking the stuffing out of Bethel last night with a final score of 43 – 14.  The Viks employed senior C.J. Langlow for for touchdowns on their way to clinching the South Puget Sound League title again with their 8-0 overall record.

Tonight, the big game pits two undefeated 4A powerhouses against each other as Bellarmine takes on Olympia.  It will be a tough one but this Alum’s money is on the Lions.

PLAYGROUND BY THE SOUND and the PEPSI CHALLANGE….Yes, we are sooooo sick of emailing Pepsi to help the local project earn that $50K grant.  Well, you’re off the hook…for awhile.  The organizers have determined that the ONLY way we can win such a large amount is with MAJOR support, like NATIONAL support. So, the message today is “Quit it.” but don’t forget how.  They have a plan and they’ve really done their research.  It seems what we CAN win is a grant for $25K and we’re not going after it until December when the competition is down.  So, give your voting fingers a rest but we’ll come after you for help about December first.  Nobody is giving up. They’re just figuring out how to do it more effectively.  Stay tuned! IT’S FOR THE KIDS!

Hey. Whatch doing with the kiddos tomorrow?  FIRE DEPT FALL FUN DAY is tomorrow!   It’s a FREE event at the Public Safety Building (aka the fire station and cop shop).  Pony rides and a petting zoo, Halloween bags, digital photos of the kids in costumes, refreshments and they are conducting a food drive as well as the U.P. Primary School’s PTSA Bake Sale on site. Rain or shine your firefighters will be looking to greet you and yours, especially when the youngsters are in costume. The event runs from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.  And did I mention that there will be free pumpkins for the first 300 kids?

Next week, more analysis of the currant University Place housing market.

Have a wonderful weekend and, as always, be well…

PAT MADDOCK                                                                                                                                           Coldwell Banker Bain REALTORS  3560 Bridgeport Way West,          University Place, WA 98466                                                                                                                             (253)682-1182


So, just who IS this guy?

Pat’s been a top producer with Coldwell Banker Bain REALTORS in University Place and he was the 2007 President of the Tacoma-Pierce County Association of REALTORS as well as a 2009 Vice-President of the Washington REALTORS, the statewide trade association of professional members of the National Association of REALTORS (NAR). He also serves the University Place – Fircrest Division of the Tacoma-Pierce County Chamber of Commerce on it’s Board of Directors and he serves the City of University Place on the Economic Development Commission.   Pat is also a 20-year Air Force veteran. But most importantly, he’s been a     University Place native since 1953.


What a gorgeous couple of days! Is THIS finally summer?

Has anyone tried the new angle, back-in parking in front of town center on Bridgeport? I had one fella write me and say, “I tried to accomplish this almost impossible driving act, during the 5:00 – 6:00 traffic.  Needless to

Just in front of the new town center

say the result was less than favorable with the other drivers. Many honked their horns, waved (with one digit) and yelled obscenities.” Oh, sure, the old “You’re Number One” hand gesture.  I occasionally use the angle, back-in parking downtown on Tacoma Avenue and find it to be a bit “unnatural” but it’s certainly doable. After watching men, women and (comparative) children doing it without hesitation I concluded that it’s just something I need to get used to. Ha! Remember all of the hubbub about roundabouts? “Somebody’s gonna get killed because of those things.” “They’ll be tearing ’em up and repaving inside of a year!” Right. Give me a choice between a four-way traffic signal and a roundabout and I’m taking the roundabout EVERY time! And as for the back-in parking, I understand it really increases capacity and you don’t have to BACK INTO TRAFFIC like you would with a nose-in parking spot. Do I think it’s a good idea? Well, the folks I’ve talked to around Tacoma Ave seem to think so. I suppose then, what we ought to do is just give it a chance. Once town center is built and it’s been used for months, we should know better. Now don’t get me started about roundabouts made to resemble an eagle’s aerie!

Speaking of unexpected birds.  Have you seen it?  Did you see it being delivered?  What am I talking about?  The DUCK! 

They are dedicating it tomorrow (Sat) afternoon at 1:00.  Go see for yourself.  It’s under wraps today but tomorrow afternoon….tada! A giant duck!

Now, let’s set the record straight.  For the city to have an unending affection for the late Mr. Terry Reim is, at the least, appropriate.  Anyone who gives and gives and gives ought to be remembered and yes, perhaps memorialized.  But a DUCK?!?  No less a five foot duck (I may be exaggerating just a hair).  But the fact is that our new town center and beautiful library building and new cop shop and market square and all things great and architecturally beautiful about the hub of University Place – to come, will now be fronted by a gigantic brass duck.  I’m at a loss. 

Now, I know some people who I think a lot of are very much in favor of this

Is that a duck under there?

 memorial.  And I know they are very fond of the duck and they are very fond of University Place and you put it all together and we end up with a giant brass duck symbolizing our city.  Yes, yes, yes. I know that nobody said this was being placed there as a symbol of our city but that’s EXACTLY the effect it will have. I promise you.  Give it time.  Put money on it. You’ll win!  We’ll become “the Duck city”, “Ducktown”, “Quackersville”. The new UP obscenity will be “Duck you, buddy!”  OK, well maybe not but you get my drift. Just imagine how much fun they are going to have with this up and down the halls of Curtis Senior High. I have news for our new police chief. You want a target for pranks and graffiti?  You just got it.  “Hey, let’s go T-P the duck!”  Graffiti duck, I can just see it, now.  Is it easy to get spray paint off brass.  I honestly do hope no moron damages it (whether you like it or not – that’s just wrong) but you gotta admit, it’s about to take the place of the 56th Street Rock as a target for mischief.   I’m sure someone is envisioning little kids crawling around it as Mom takes a break in Market Square in the afternoon sun. Sure. It will happen but then that night at about 1am, big brother and his buddies, after another win by the home team, well… the boys will find a target for their “nuttin’ to do around here” lament.  The youthful, immature corners of my mind are going crazy right now with all of the stunts that could be played at, on, under and around Mr. Duck.  And, oh yeah, does he have a name?  Or is he a she?  There’s our first question to answer. Would somebody who actually knows something about ducks, (for real) certainly not me, go determine if it’s a rake or a hen, please.  (Yes, that IS what you call a male duck.)

Yes, I certainly am aware of our annual Duck Daze and the duck parade. Can I figure why people want to dress up in yellow and walk through the spring rain to the old town center in celebration of Duck Daze?  Nuttin’ to do around here? Mmmmm, yeah, that COULD be it?  Or maybe they really are seeking and identify for them and their city and the love our ducks!?!

Again, no argument…it’s a good thing to memorialize an outstanding citizen who was very popular and did a lot around U.P. before his untimely passing. No arguement.  In fact, my reticence about wholeheartedly accepting the big brass duck right in front of Market Square, has not a thing to do with the late Mr. Reim. It has everything to do with the fact that if I had to pick a symbol for our city, an animal in fact, that stands for the spirit of University Place, I certainly would rank mole, frog, racoon and coyote above duck. 

So, let me wrap a ribbon around this topic with one final thought. Over the course of the past year, what animals have I seen in University Place?  Aside from domestic dogs and cats and other such pets, let’s see… racoon, coyote, deer, mole, rat, possum, about 12 gazillion squirrels, a multitude of birds including eagles and the oft-depositing Canada goose, bats and not one single freakin’ DUCK! None. Zero. Zilch!  No ducks!!!  Maybe at one of our nature parks, they hang around doing whatever ducks do but since I don’t frequent our nature parks, I have seen not one single, solitary duck and not just in the past year but I’m willing to bet I haven’t seen a single duck in U.P. in the past FIVE years!    So, with all the civic pride I can muster I’ve got to ask, why oh why if you were going to put a memorial piece of art in front of Market Square, why in the hell is it a big, fat duck?

Now don’t get me started on the public art in University Place. You really DON’T want to do that.  There is one I actually like…a lot.  The others…  just don’t get me started!

Have you been voting in support of the Playground by the Sound?  EVERY DAY?!?  That’s what we need to compete and earn the $50K from Pepsi.  It only takes a moment and all you have to do is past this address into your browser and go do it.  EVERY DAY until we win!  The kids deserve it dontcha think?

Our U.P. Fire Department will host a free Fall Fun Day on Saturday, October 23 from 10 am-1 pm at UP Fire Dept. Pony rides, petting zoo, digital pictures for kids in costume, bake sale and food drive and pumpkins for the first 300 kids are all included in the plan.  They encourage you to wear your costume and the kids can get their Halloween safety bracelet and bag, there, too.  Refreshments are being served and the U.P. Primary PTSA will hold their bake sale, as well.  When you are packing up the kids to bring them, grab some non-perishable food to donate there, too. Would you?

Don’t forget tomorrow (Sat) is Fall Clean Up for everyone who lives NORTH of 40th Street.  It’s time to all your stuff to UP Refuse.  Next week, everybody SOUTH of 40th Street. 564-3212 is the number for more info.

Tuesday, Oct 19th is another installment of the Free Natural Yard Care Workshop series at the U.P. City Hall from 6:30 to 8:30.  This week, it’s Designing with the Right Plants in the Right Places and the topic of Natural Lawn Care which I don’t need to worry about. Instead, I should find a clinic offering “Natural Moss Care”.  If it wasn’t for moss my lawn wouldn’t be green!  Space is limited. So, contact to reserve your seat.  The final night will be Oct. 26th when they will present Garden Pest Management (I wonder if that includes firearms?) and the topic of Smart Watering Techniques.  Do we need to be watering our gardens?  After all, we live in University Place, Washington!  Well, attend the clinic and listen to the experts, not me.  In my garden I grow hops and hot peppers…what do I know?

REAL ESTATE SALE OF THE DAY: In an effort to help you keep tabs on this continually changing real estate market in University Place here’s another recently sold U.P. home (Info from public records).  

2002 University Place home

Well, here’s another one that the bank took. I don’t know why the owner didn’t make their payments. I don’t know why they walked away from it and it’s really none of our business. The point is that YOUR home won’t sell for what it should because there are far too many of these bank owned properties, priced aggressively and stealing our buyers…yours and mine.  True!  If I can get this 2,411 square foot home built in 2002 and in good condition for less than $300K, why am I going to pay you what you want for your home?  This home sold for $120 per square foot. Now, don’t go comparing your 1970’s home on that basis and don’t go comparing your rambler based on that data.  Different homes are worth different prices.  If you want to know what your home is worth or what you can get for it TODAY, just call me and I’ll be more than happy to tell you.  However, know that if it’s out there competing with the likes of this home, the bank owning this home is competing with you in ways you can’t do.  Can you price your home to compete with bank foreclosures?  Most often the answer is “No”.  But you MUST if you want your home to be the one selected by the buyers who are also considering the bank owned properties.  It’s head-to-head competition and the banks WILL win if we price our homes like we would have four years ago…FACT!  

Banks don’t want to own homes.  They lose money every day they hold them.  So, they price them to be SOLD…NOW!  They have to and will beat your price because, again, they don’t want to own them and will do what it takes to get them sold, without hesitation.  Pierce County leads the state in foreclosures.  THAT should startle you.  That should also tell you that it takes very up-to-date market knowledge, experience and insight to get your home sold right now.  We can but it ain’t the old days when we had bidding wars ever other day, when we didn’t get the sign up before it was sold. No, I don’t know that we will EVER see those days again. But is getting your home sold for a decent price a doable task right now?  Yes, it is but it isn’t for the faint of heart.  If you want to discuss that, give me a shout.  I do it all the time and would be happy to sit down with you and discuss what it will take to get your deal done.  University Place homes STILL compete well in our market and, as is the case with this one that just sold, even if it’s a UP house that’s NOT in the UP School District, it competes well.

Well, I have a football game to get to tonight, a chili cookoff to compete in tomorrow, a birthday party for a daughter and son-in-law tomorrow, a benefit concert for a distant cousin tomorrow night and sheesh!  I’ll catch my breath in time for the Seahawks, I hope!

Have a wonderful weekend and, as always, be well…

PAT MADDOCK                                                                                                                                           Coldwell Banker BainREALTORS  3560 Bridgeport Way West,          University Place, WA 98466                                                                                                                             (253)682-1182


So, just who IS this guy?

Pat’s been a top producer with Coldwell Banker Bain REALTORS in University Place and he was the 2007 President of the Tacoma-Pierce County Association of REALTORS as well as a 2009 Vice-President of the Washington REALTORS, the statewide trade association of professional members of the National Association of REALTORS (NAR). He also serves the University Place – Fircrest Division of the Tacoma-Pierce County Chamber of Commerce on it’s Board of Directors and he serves the City of University Place on the Economic Development Commission.   Pat is also a 20-year Air Force veteran. But most importantly, he’s been a     University Place native since 1953.


OK, OK, OK already. I get it! You want me to start up the blog again! Whew!
I suppose it’s a good thing that so many folks have been “beating me up” to resurrect the “University Place: What’s UP?” blog.  So, I should say a sincere “Thank You” for the compliment.
However, to restart the process I have to clear the air just a bit and here’s the best way for me to do that.  Set Policy.
As frequent readers will know, I don’t author this blog to piss and moan. I don’t put the time into it to gripe and rant about what’s wrong with… most anything. There are enough folks around us every day who do that FAR better than I ever could. Don’t mess with the masters.
But more importantly, there is so very much around us that is positive, is good, is healthy, fun … that we LIKE! …that we LOVE!  I began writing this blog for a simple reason. TO BUILD COMMUNITY!  Not to tear it down.
I spent my morning, today,  in a class with experts talking about social media and they acknowledged that there will always be those who seek out good things in order to play their small-minded “Troll” games and “Pee on the flower bed” as my Father used to say. And you know what? The flowers don’t like it.
Well, I view you as the flowers, the things that are bright and good about our community and if I can perpetuate a tool which contributes to that just a wee bit, I think it’s worth doing.
I’m not going to dwell on the nay sayers who caused me to back off production of this blog with their constant gripes about our community, our city, it’s leadership and about the economic state of our society at large. No, I didn’t post their messages and I won’t. That’s not why I created this little creature and, according to YOU, that’s not what you want to read. They were not griping about me or what I was saying here but still, I won’t be the platform for “pissin’ and moanin'”. I don’t need it. You don’t want it. Door closed!
OK. I needed to get that out. Thank you for sitting through it. I hope you understand that you sure can write me about ANYthing but what WE seem to want is information about what’s coming up in our community.  A fair and equal treatment of local issues.  A positive look at our world here in University Place and, from what I do every day, a peek at our own slice of the real estate marketplace and how it’s effecting the value of our homes and investments, here.  So, shall we get back to the business at hand?
UNIVERSITY PLACE: What’s UP? (Now that we got all of that out of the way, I’ll give you a mini version and we’ll really catch up in the next edition.)


Doesn’t the new Library look inviting , these days?  Have you paused on Bridgeport to take a look at it, lately? Wow!  That place is really going to be something and Yes, I understand they ARE on track to have it finished shortly after the first of the year.  I really am looking forward to walking through. I’m absolutely looking forward to taking my grandsons!  I loved the old Swasey Branch Library on 6th Avenue when I was a kid and I loved the Pierce County Bookmobile in the summertime.   Remember?  They brought us The Hardy Boys,  Long John Silver, the magic of Shakespeare, scientific discoveries, our national parks, the adventures of Lewis and Clark.  All right, I AM dating myself but they did bring my sisters Nancy Drew and Agatha Christie mysteries.  They trained us to use our imagination. They helped us develop a thirst for more and more and more!  Yeah. The library.  If we don’t think it’s a gem of our community we really missed the boat somewhere.  Get ready to reaquaint yourself with all that magic but much bigger and better than University Place ever knew of the very fine facility we had.  My understanding of the plans for the new library is…well, just wait.  We ain’t seen nuttin’ yet!   There are, however, some unmet needs inside and the Library folks are conducting fund raising to meet them. I’ll tell you more about that next time but understand you can participate in small or large ways, you, your kids, your neighbors, all of us!   It’s a chance to invest in something which will pay us back and right away. To say nothing of what it will do for our youngsters…and theirs!

October 12th, this next Tuesday evening from 6:30 – 8:30 the Pierce County Department of Health is bringing a free and informative workshop to us at U.P. City Hall.  What’s it about? NATURAL YARD CARE.  (Hey, NOW’S the time of year!) Specifically, Tuesday the experts will present you with answers on Garden Design:  Backyard Composting & Growing Healthy Soil.  Sign up RIGHT NOW as space is filling up.  will register you and/or get you more info but DON’T put it off.  They’ve got more sessions planned for upcoming weeks and I’ll get in to those specifics, next time.

FALL CLEAN UP…FALL CLEAN UP…FALL CLEAN UP  How many times have I heard

My wife insisted, "But there's MORE!"

my neighbors bemoaning the fact that they missed it?  Well, don’t.  Here it comes.  Saturday, October 16th. If you live NORTH OF 40TH Street it’s your day.  Load up your truck (I didn’t say OVERload) with your “stuff” and head to UP Refuse & Recycling at 2815 Rochester Street West between 9am and 4pm.  (Pssst some of us go early to avoid too much of a waiting line.)  Call them at 564-3212  (8:30am to 4:30pm) to get all the details.  Hey!  What if I live SOUTH OF 40TH Street?  No problem.  The following Saturday is YOUR day, October 23rd.

REAL ESTATE DEAL OF THE DAY: In an effort to help you keep tabs on this continually changing real estate market in University Place here’s another Actively For Sale U.P. home.  

It's a perfect U.P. condo

When you hear the admonition that “It’s a great time to BUY!”  Well, it certainly is.  The deals are unbelievable.  The equity you have when you walk in the door is crazy.  History concretely tells us that the healthy market will return and some are saying we’re already on the upswing. I won’t argue that the market has picked up as of late but the admonition doesn’t change.  The prices are way down and they need ‘em sold. So,  it IS a great time to buy! .  Interest rates are hovering at or below 4.25% … like the lowest EVER!  So, what’s for sale out there that you haven’t seen?  Well, here’s one…behind locked gates.  The neighborhood is called Williamswood, built 10 years ago by William Barrett. (Hence, Williamswood.) and the beautiful little community,  just west of University Place Elementary School and on the north side of 27th is just clean as a whistle with freshly paved streets with a nice

It’s light and bright and the price is right!

clubhouse. The exteriors and yards are all maintained by the community and this two bedroom, two bath, one-level home without stairs, is on the market for only $209,000!  No, I’m NOT kidding. What’s wrong with it?  I see nothing wrong.  The seller kept this 1,322 square foot home in superb shape.  The master suite is HUGE. I swear you could play basketball in there…OK, now I’m exaggerating.  The fact is, this is a very nice, open concept rambler condo in a pristine little gated community in the heart of University Place and the price is RIGHT!  Want to take a look?  Give me a shout!  I would be happy to show it to you…today!

First of the week, we’ll get back to our regular delivery of timely University Place information and we’ll certainly keep our eyes on the real estate market for you. You tell me you like that.  I really do want to thank so many of your for your positive feedback and your calls to “Bring back the Blog!”  Those were nice to hear.  There’s a lot coming up in our little piece of the world over the next few months and we’ve got some important elections just around the corner. Hey!  Are you as tired as my wife and I are of political ads?!?  OMG “…and I endorsed this message”.  Give me a break!  If the candidates did everything as wrong as their opponents said they did, I think they’d be behind bars! But you know what those ads ARE doing that I like?  Every time one comes on in the middle of one of the few decent shows on TV right now, my wife and I turn to each other and actually speak!   Imagine that.  To heck with NCIS or Dancing with the Wanna Be’s or whatever.  We’re so sick of the political commercials, we actually talk to each other… after 37 years of marriage.  Wow!  So, I’ll take this opportunity to thank Dino and Patty and Dave and Susan and whoever else is out there “…endorsing this message.”  You’ve done my wife and I a real service.  Thanks. Oh, we’re not voting for you but thanks anyway.

Have a wonderful weekend and, as always, be well…

PAT MADDOCK                                                                                                                                           Coldwell Banker Bain REALTORS                                                                                              3560 Bridgeport Way West,                                                                                                                             University Place, WA 98466                                                                                                                             (253)682-1182


So, just who IS this guy?

Pat’s been a top producer with Coldwell Banker Bain REALTORS in University Place and he was the 2007 President of the Tacoma-Pierce County Association of REALTORS as well as a 2009 Vice-President of the Washington REALTORS, the statewide trade association of professional members of the National Association of REALTORS (NAR). He also serves the University Place – Fircrest Division of the Tacoma-Pierce County Chamber of Commerce on it’s Board of Directors and he serves the City of University Place on the Economic Development Commission.   Pat is also a 20-year Air Force veteran. But most importantly, he’s been a University Place native since 1953.
